Thursday, March 11, 2010

Minutes - March 7, 2010 Meeting

Konnichiwa, Minna-san. These are the minutes of last Saturday's meeting.

CCC Summer Event Booth

Person(s) in charge: Mysterious Hand and Company


Fortune sticks (Kerty)
T-shirt selling (Syaoran and co.)
Pins (suggested by ryke_moymoy)

Mysterious_hand, coordinate with your committee members and update us regularly on the movement of the plans.

P-chan's Sushi Cooking Event/Gem's Fine Dining Event

Suggestions have been made to make these two events separate which is quite possible considering we'll be putting in money for the events. It has been agreed, however, that one or perhaps two of these events would be the culminating event for Gem's Nihonggo lessons. Concerns have not been addressed, however, including the venue of P-chan's cooking event and who would teach the attendees how to do sushi cooking.


1 comment:

  1. I want to join, minna-san.I wanna meet everyone. T_T
