Friday, February 27, 2009

Research ;p

Minna, we need your help. We are currently making the organization’s constitution and we need someone who would volunteer to research the following:

1. Japanese term for the positions:

a) Internal President
b) External President
c) Founder
d) Vice-president
e) Secretary
f) Treasurer
g) Research Committee and Head
h) Promotion Committee and Head
i) Recruiting and Membership Committee and Head
j) Members’ Affair Representative
k) Program and Activities Committee
l) probation

2. Philippine Film Rating System (needed for film showing)

Thanks ;p

Monday, February 23, 2009


Guys, we really need your help. We need a new name for the club. Some members weren't able to vote last time so we'll consider AMBU winning as null and void. I know this is confusing and a hassle but please bear with us.

1. All members are required to submit a name of the club.
2. For non-members, please join the club first before submitting your entry.
Note: sorry guys and gals, we need it jud. ;p
1. The name must be original.
2. It must not be related to any anime series or club in an anime series.
1. You can submit more than one entry.
2. Entries will be submitted to:
3. Entries should include the name of the member.
1. Ready-Set-Go! The challenge will officially begin on February 27, 2009
2. Hourglass: Members will be given eight days.
3. Deadliest Deadline: March 6, 2009
1. Five entries will be chosen.
2.The five entries will be posted in this blog on March 7, 2009
3. After choosing, the votation process will ensue.
4. All members will cast their vote on March 7, 2009
5. No proxy voting is allowed.
6. Votes will be submitted to:
1. The winning entry will be decided by all members through votation.
2. It will be announced on March 9, 2009 in the org's blog.
3. The winner will receive a very small freebie (suhol ni ha para sure jud na mu-submit mo...hehe)
4. The winner will be given due recognition for his great contribution to the club.
5. Finally, the winning entry will become the official name of the club.
Thanks to c-chan for pointing out the loophole ;p

Saturday, February 21, 2009

a fResh sTart ;)

Welcome everyone!!!

It all started on an thread entitled Anime Club/Organization/Society in Cebu announcing the message:

“To all anime enthusiasts and otaku in Cebu, are any of you interested in an anime organization based in Cebu that will cater our needs relating to Japanese pop culture specifically anime, manga, cosplaying, j-pop, jdrama, fanfics, fanarts, etc.? either you are passionate and dedicated enough to do this or simply interested or intrigued, an expert in anime or medyo2 lang, it doesn't matter. C'mon guys, feel free to join.”

Unfortunately, the club became inactive and the plans were unable to push through. However, we are going to link our arms and try to resurrect it. This would really be difficult considering that we have to start from scratch. The name AMBU won through election but some members were unable to give their votes. We’ll just consider it null and void.
Going back to starting this organization from scratch, we need anime and manga enthusiasts that are passionate enough to work in achieving its goals and building a strong foundation to materialize our hopes of having a unified anime society here in Cebu.

For now, our main agendum is to gather and document old members and individuals who are interested in joining.

We really need your cooperation and willingness to make the plan of building a community of anime and manga fanatics. Take note that there is no particular qualification for individuals interested in joining. Wait, do they have to be residents of Cebu? ;p Anyway, as what I have said before, you just need to be dedicated, interested, intrigued, and passionate enough. Being über knowledgeable isn’t necessary.

So, what are you waiting for? Join now! For old members, Click here.

By the way, members, I’m technology-challenged. This site needs tweaking from your capable hands. Do help. ;p

OLd meMber?

If you have already submitted the required information, please provide the following for further verification and correspondence from the administrator. Thank you. ;)

nOte: this applies to the individuals who passed their info to the other email ;p

Are you interested to join?

Great! Thanks for joining...;)

Please be patient and provide the information needed. This is required for documentation purposes. Don't worry, the administrator values your privacy ;p