Friday, February 27, 2009

Research ;p

Minna, we need your help. We are currently making the organization’s constitution and we need someone who would volunteer to research the following:

1. Japanese term for the positions:

a) Internal President
b) External President
c) Founder
d) Vice-president
e) Secretary
f) Treasurer
g) Research Committee and Head
h) Promotion Committee and Head
i) Recruiting and Membership Committee and Head
j) Members’ Affair Representative
k) Program and Activities Committee
l) probation

2. Philippine Film Rating System (needed for film showing)

Thanks ;p


  1. Um... There's an online dictionary that I use. Here's the link:

    But the thing is, some of the words have more than one translation so I dunno which one to put here XD

    As for the film rating system, this is the MTRCB system:

    * G or GP - General patronage. All ages admitted.
    * PG-13 - Parental Guidance. Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult.
    * R - Restricted. Children under 17 must be accompanied by an adult aged 18 or older.
    * R-13 - Strictly for persons 13 years and over
    * R-18 - Strictly for persons 18 years and over
    * X - Not for public viewing

    * The PG-7 (between GP and PG-13), parental guidance for children below seven years old was phased out.

    Is that what you needed?

  2. Okay, so I posted a query on Yahoo! Answers and they gave me this:

    a) 内部社長(naibu shatyou)
    b) 外部社長(gaibu shatyou)
    c) 創立者(souritsu sha)
    d) 副社長(huku shatyou)
    e) 秘書(hisho)
    f) 経理(keiri)
    g) 調査委員会と会長(tyousa iinnkai to kaityou)
    h) 推進委員会と会長(suishin iinkai to kaityou)
    i) 採用と会員資格委員会と会長(saiyou to kaiin shikaku iinkai to kaityou)
    j) 会員業務係代表 (kaiin gyoumu gakari daihyou)
    k) 計画実行委員会(keikaku jikkou iinkai)
    l) 試験採用期間(shiken saiyou kikan)

  3. thanks for your help ches ^_^ i really appreciate it. Yep, the film rating system is vital if we're going to do film showing events ;)

    regarding the translations, i'm a bit confused though because another member posted this:

    a) Internal President - しゃちょう (社長)(内部) - Shachou
    b) External President - しゃちょう (社長)(外部) - Shachou
    c) Founder - そうりつしゃ(創立者)- Souritsusha
    d) Vice-president   - ふくかいちょう(副会長)- Fukukaichou
    e) Secretary - しょきかん (書記官)- Shokikan
    f) Treasurer - かいけいかんじ (会計幹事)- Kaikeikanji
    g) Research Committee and Head –ちょうさいいんかい (調査委員会) - Chousaiinkai
    h) Promotion Committee and Head – そくしんコミティー (促進コミティー)Sokushin Committee
    i) Recruiting and Membership Committee and Head – じんざいとこうせいいんコミティー (人材構成員コミティー)Jinzai Kouseiin Committee
    j) Members’ Affair Representative こうせいいんことがらのだいひょうしゃ (構成員事柄の代表者)Kouseiin Kotogara no Daihyousha
    k) Program and Activities Committeeプログラムとアクティビティコミティー Puroguramu to Akutibitii Committee
    l) probation –  しようきかん(試用期間)Shiyou Kikan

    are these translations applicable to positions in a club/organization instead of a company? can we use it if it refers to positions in the company?

  4. a & b) I'm guessing "naibu" and "gaibu" mean internal and external. Regarding "shatyou" and "shachou," the difference is in the romaji translation but they're still pronounced the same.
    c & d) only differ in the romaji translation, too.
    e & f) There's more than one translation for the word? I guess you could pick just one.
    g & h) Diba sometimes, the Japanese just make us of the English translation for some words? I guess it's up to you also what you wanna use.
    i & j) Different translations for the same word?
    k) Same explanation for g & h.
    l) I guess "shiken saiyou kikan" is more formal?

    But, um, you have to understand, I'm not a native Japanese speaker so this is only my hypothesis. I took up Japanese one summer and my teacher explained to me some of these things which I am now passing onto you. LOL But I guess it's the same name for the position whether it's for a club or company...

  5. ayT, tHanKS. ;p i jUst paSteD iT anD nEver aCtuaLLy reaD iT...siLLy mE ~_~ aGain, tHankS fOr uR heLp cHes. hMm, i gOtta LearN tHe LanGuaGe sOon ^_^

  6. a friend of mine shared this...

    a) Internal President -- Naibu Kaichou
    b) External President -- Gaibu Kaichou
    c) Founder -- Shodai
    d) Vice-president -- Fukukaichou
    e) Secretary -- Jimukan

  7. Haha, it's cool ^_^ I'm not fluent but I understand *a little* LOL Just, some words and phrases.

    Oooh! I see a similarity with the ones I put up and Immortal Undead's.
