Monday, May 18, 2009

Updates for Nihongo Lessons

Classes every SATURDAY at 4-5PM
Venue: #13 Sapphire street Santa Teresita Village, Tisa, Labangon
DEADLINE for registrations on MAY 21, 2009.

- P10.00 for the materials and photocopies.
- notebook and pen

May 15, 2009 YM Conference Minutes
Agreed Meeting Time: 3:00
(thirty minutes grace period for perpetually late comers)
Agree Meeting Place: Outside of Timezone. Outside of Chris Sports.

Pending: Red's Home Sketch...

YM Conference this Friday night(May 22) for reminders and some "Random" lol xD

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Registration Form For Nihonggo Lessons


*Basic Japanese Grammar:
From NOUN to -TE MO / -NAKUTE MO verb conjugation
*800 Japanese Vocabulary, verbs inclusive
*Most Common Japanese Expressions
*Japanese Kana: Hiragana and Katakana
*120 Kanji

To those who are willing to join the Free Nihongo Classes, please fill-up the following application form for registration. No registration fees. Send application form to emails:


Sending of applications is NECESSARY in order to be registered to the class. We promise to keep everything confidential and for portfolio purpose only. This is also helpful for planning the lessons accordingly, and to calculate how much we'll be spending for the materials.

Personal Info:

Company / School:
Email Ad:

Historical Background:

Have you taken Nihongo lessons before?

If Yes,
What school?
Name of teacher:

If None,
Do you do self-study? Yes and Always, Sometimes, Never

Other Necessary Info:

Please state the books that you already have that are related to Japanese study:
in example...
Shin Nihongo no Kiso I
Minna no Nihongo

The reason why you want to learn Nihongo...

Comments and expectations...

Suggestions... and Questions...

Nihonggo lessons starts at the basic. To those who already have background in Japanese study can still join the classes for review purposes and for enhancement. To those who think that they know enough may help teach. For immediate questions... ask me directly on through YM... account ID: meigemchan (^_^)’

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lesson Schedules: Another Poll

Hello, minnasan. Here I am once again with a poll. But first I have to apologize for not including this in the previous poll. I wasn't thinking about it the first place. Please vote once again, this time for the schedules of our upcoming Japanese lessons. If all goes well, we should be starting the lessons this weekend.

X will hold a conference to finalize details of the lessons. I will not be around because it's my sister's birthday, and clearly Lemaine-san might not be able to preside as well but I hope she can.

Here's the poll. Happy voting!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Polls: Nihonggo Lessons Venue

Please enter your vote for which venue we should choose for the Japanese lessons. This will expedite the process, so we can begin the lessons as soon as possible.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Minutes of May 2, 2009 Meeting

Kombanwa, Minnasan. Here I am once again for the updates on the latest meeting that the society has undertaken. In a summary, we have discussed several proposals for activities relating to the org. We have also included appointment of officers. Take note that we founders have decided to take on the presidential positions because of lack of members, and to show the next batch of officers as to how the organization should be carried out.

13 will post information on the mission and vision, as well as the goals, of CIO-AMAGE once her connection problems have been fixed and her Internet's good to go. For the meantime, here are the minutes posted verbatim from our secretary, Lemaine.

Good Evening CIO-Amage,

Below is the summary of the May 02, 2009 meeting at SM Northwing.

Start: 05:15
Attendees: (yahoo handles)


Presiders: seishi17, cebu_animemanga_society


i. Election of officers:

Positions were appointed due to the lack of attendees.
Please note that the current position holders will only be in office for one year. A quorum will be needed to ensure that the election is fair. To be fair with the community, another election will be held next year.

External President: seishi17
Internal President: cebu_animemanga_society
Secretaries: dragoon_abbey; jk_janej
Personal Relations: rockmanzerox105

ii. Japanese Lessons (to be finalized and polled)
Level 4: Basic Japanese Lessons with meigemchan and mczilla2002

Venue Proposal:

1.) red.vill83's house @ Tisa, Labangon (No Entrance Fee)
2.) Crown Regency (conference room rate is 264 per hour)
3.) Family Park (Entrance fee is KKB)

Time Proposal: (time is arranged based on the teacher's availability)

1.) Sundays : 3PM - 4PM or
4PM - 5 PM
2.) Saturdays : 4PM - 5PM or 5PM - 6PM

disclaimer:. Nihon-go lessons are for free. Please be thankful to the above-mentioned who offered their time and knowledge. We only have to pay for the venue as well as the reference materials to be provided.

iii. Proposed Activities (more to be added; for further discussion)

1.) Drawing Lessons c/o r_duindain
2.) Logo/ Banner / Badge / Button / CIO Merchandize making c/o of red.vill83
3.) Anime Film Showing c/o seishi17
4.) Guitar Lessons c/o rockmanzerox105
5.) Kenjutsu Lessons (to be finalized by dragoon_abbey)
6.) Making a manga c/o meigemchan
|> calling all artists and writers in CIO. Please consider this as a project to help push for
Cebu-based mangas.
7.) JPOP/ JROCK Show
8.) Anime Convention (something to be discussed in full detail)
9.) Game Tournament c/o red.vill83
10.) Fund Raising Activity c/o cebu_animemanga_society (details to be discussed)
11.) Christmas Part c/o meigmechan

iv. Follow up meeting : May 9, 2009. Venue and time is open for discussion.
Agenda: = Finalize Japanese Lessons
= Run-through and planning of all the activities for 2009

Special Mention:

We would like to thank red.vill83 for hosting our food and drinks.

End: 6: 17 p.m.

We extend our gratitude to those who attended and helped in the completion of this meeting. Now, everyone, please vote or make suggestions about the venue for the Japanese lessons. Deadline will be on Thursday, afterwards I will hold another conference on Friday so that I can have details to present for the meeting on Saturday with the other officers. As usual, anyone who wants to come are free to come.

Minnasan, I also would like you to recognize X as the third co-founder of this organization. It has been him and I that have been behind the scenes with 13 in order to make this society come to fruition.

Adelante, CIO-AMAGE!